You’re either generating content about your business or leaving it to chance. Search engines constantly “crawl” the internet looking for new content. (Learn More!)

The Whole Truth
Reputation management, search engine optimization, brand evangelism, social media engagement… These are all terms invented by marketers describing the same function, content management. Clever sales strategies purposely shroud this process in mystique making it sound excessively technical but it’s quite simple. You’re either generating content about your business or leaving it to chance. Search engines constantly “crawl” the internet looking for new, relevant content to index. Manipulating what it finds, guiding it in your favor, can mean the difference between a thriving business or no business at all.

No Copy Cats Allowed
There are risks involved… Unique and relevant are the two words at the heart of Google’s crawl algorithm. Businesses are rewarded for sharing this philosophy and punished for producing duplicate or irrelevant content. Too often, creative agencies “outsource” content generation to third parties in other countries and produce a product that is full of duplicates passed off as unique. Google knows the difference… Hand written, unique, in house, researched and relevant are the words at the heart of the content strategy at Brandefined.

The Brandefined Difference
In addition to unique and relevant, flexibility is necessary to meet the evolving needs of our clients. For this reason, content services at Brandefined are purchased using “credits” that are spent monthly based on your needs. One month, we may simply post routinely on your Facebook page and the next, we may generate a press release celebrating a major milestone in your business. The objective is determined during a monthly consultation with your content specialist and executed strategically.

Dollars and Cents
Content credits are purchased in increments of 50 with per-credit savings for higher volumes. As a courtesy, we split the total cost in to installments ranging from two to six months. Credits can be used for a multitude of service. Some of the most common are listed below.
- Social media post – 1 credit
- Facebook boost – 2 credits
- Blog (Standard) – 7 credits
- Blog (SEO) – 12 credits
- Newsletter- 10 credits
- Email Template – 10 credits
- Press release – 50 credits
- Pinterest Re-Pins x 5 – 1 credit